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Empowering Artists with Anonymous Publication

Anonymous art publication provides a unique opportunity for emerging artists to showcase their artwork without the pressure of revealing their identity. Many artists struggle to establish a brand for themselves, making it difficult to gain recognition and reach a wider audience. This is where M&A comes in. M&A aims to connect art makers to art appreciators within its creative selling community. This website will become a hub of anonymous art publications with no personal identity attached to the artwork, just pure artwork to appreciate.

My Mission

To get art into the world that would not have previously been brought into the world.

To allow new and emerging artists to sell their artwork in a fun and casual way, no strings attached.


About the Owner

Hello there! I'm Phillie (He/Him) and I started this venture in December 2023 with the hope of connecting amazing art to amazing appreciators! I grew up in East Yorkshire, moved out to central London for two years, and now I am in Glasgow to continue university and establish the Makers & Appreciators brand.


My favourite type of art

Pottery! Pottery! Pottery!

If my camera roll was ever to be leaked, you would not find any spicy pics, you would find endless reals of ceramics I have found in museums. I know, how sad, but I can't stop